The research teams of the Research Centre UNIZA have achieved another success in the form of approval of a subsidy for 3 projects within the call 09I05-03-V02 entitled "Support for research projects focused on the digitalization of the economy in TRL levels 1-3", which is financed from the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Slovak Republic.
Its aim is to support the creation of knowledge in organizations conducting research, as well as mutual cooperation between all sectors. At the same time, it also improves synergies with European programs and improves the preparedness of Slovak entities for the challenges announced by the Horizon Europe program, especially in cluster 4: "Digitalization, Industry and Space".
The projects will be implemented in cooperation with significant partners from the industrial sector. More information is available on the pages of individual projects in the section: https://vyskumnecentrum.sk/en/vyskum/projekty/