The Research centre UNIZA is an unique research facility of the University of Žilina established in 2013 thanks to financial support of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.
The aim of the received scientific grant was establishment of a top-notch research institution and enhancement of the research infrastructure of the University of Žilina with aim to support the competitiveness of the Slovak Republic in applied and fundamental research. The main research topics of the Research centre are aligned with the general research branches in which the University of Žilina is well recognized within the EU. These topics are mainly related to transport, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electronics and renewable energy sources. The research tasks within the mentioned topics are executed within the three scientific departments: Department of Material Sciences, Department of Renewable Energy Sources and the Department of Sensor Systems. All of the departments are equipped with modern laboratory infrastructure and engage outstanding research collective.
The Research centre UNIZA in the scope of project execution also creates a space for young and talented researchers, Ph.D. students, postdocs and other researchers from home and foreign universities to realize their research ideas within the scope of the RIS3 national strategies. The success of this approach is reflected by multiple national awards obtained by members of the research teams. The Research centre UNIZA also cooperates with the faculties of University of Žilina within the education process of students and supports cooperation with industrial partners in the scope of research & development activities.
The main task of the Research centre UNIZA is realization of excellent fundamental and applied research with an international character.