Laboratory of Microscopy

Head of laboratory: Ing. Zuzana Florková, PhD.

Room: VC 1.17

The laboratory is aimed at evaluation of surface and microstructural characteristics of structural materials.

For the surface characteristics evaluation, the laboratory is equipped with a basic stereomicroscope Leica S9i and advanced stereomicroscope Leica M205 with full motorization, which enables the possibility of surface panorama and extended depth of field stitching.

For surface texture analysis, the laboratory is equipped with a laser confocal microscope Zeiss LSM 700.

Microstructure evaluation of metallic materials is provided by optical metallography microscope Leica DMi8 with full motorization for panorama and extended depth of field stitching. Microscope is equipped with dark field and modules for polarized light, as well.

The laboratory is also equipped with roughness tester MarSurf PS10 and with a device for surface wettability evaluation SITA SurfaSpector.