ITMS 313012Q740


Project title:
Small business dispatching for intelligent consumption management in local distribution systems

Project designation in ITMS2014+:

Intermediate institution:
Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic

Operational program:
311000 – Operational program integrated infrastructure.

Priority axis:
313010 – Support of research, development and innovations (ex Po1 OPVaI)

313010051 – 1.2.2 Growth of R&D and innovation capacities in industry and services

Project description
Currently, the topic of SmartCities is receiving a lot of attention in the energy sector. The basic premise is to divide energy areas into smaller units (LDS-Local Distribution Systems), which will independently manage their energy purchase and consumption in order to cover their energy needs as efficiently as possible. These LDCs will use tools for measuring their own energy consumption, tools for managing their own energy production capacities as well as tools for electricity trading in order to effectively manage the provision of their energy needs. Nowadays, conventional sources of electricity (coal, hydro, nuclear) are being replaced by alternative sources of electricity (mainly focusing on wind and solar energy). The amount of electricity generated and delivered to the grid from alternative sources depends on the weather and varies frequently and significantly. Therefore, one solution to this situation is to consume the electricity generated by alternative sources of electricity in agglomerations (local distribution systems), where the energy has been produced and delivered to the grid in the smallest possible amount. This approach requires the availability of intelligent consumption management tools in the local distribution systems themselves, which will allow the efficient management of electricity consumption within the LDS.
The aim of the project is to carry out research aimed at obtaining new knowledge for the subsequent development of a tool that will enable local distribution systems (LDS) to efficiently cover energy needs through the prediction of own energy consumption and the subsequent efficient purchase of the necessary energy on the markets or the preparation of the basis for the planning of the production of their own resources.
The main output of the project will be a software solution for small business dispatching designed for LDS so that the operator can carry out the relevant activities not only directly at the workplace of the small business system and will provide the following functionalities:

  1. Predicting electricity consumption under the LDS
  2. Automatic meteorological data acquisition for IMS support
  3. Electricity-oriented market data acquisition
  4. Electricity optimisation and balance management system
  5. Business risk management
  6. Solution for archiving and recording of business information
    Combined with the appropriate hardware equipment, a comprehensive small business dispatching system designed for LDS can be built. Such a solution will be attractive for companies operating in various industries where high demands are placed on increasing efficiency and reducing costs to cover the energy needs of the company.
    The project is implemented in accordance with the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization of the Slovak Republic (RIS3 SK) in the product line Digital Slovakia and Creative Industry and has a strong potential for usability in the subsequent social and industrial practice. The project is linked to the main and secondary trends in the product lines Industry 4.0, Innovative technologies (for industrial applications) and Smart technologies for increasing the energy efficiency of business operations. In addition, the project is linked to the main trend in the product line Digital Technologies and Security and to the sub-trend System Digitisation Tools.

Name and residency of the receiver
IPESOFT spol. s r.o., Bytčická 2, 01001 Žilina

Unviersity of Žilina

Execution period:
05/2020 – 04/2023

Non-refundable grant:
928 628.14 EUR

Non-refundable grant for UNIZA:
141 090.80 EUR

The place of project implementation within the eligible territory of the Operational program:

„Information about Integrated infrastructure operational program 2014 – 2020 can be found on“