Formal establishment of the Research centre UNIZA
The research centre UNIZA was formally established 1st of May, 2013 based on receiving a scientific grant from the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic for development of universities’ technological parks and research centres co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. In total, 24 340 233.38 EUR was invested, while the execution of the project created approximately 100 positions for researchers and administrative employees.

The co-founder and historically first director of the Research centre UNIZA was assoc. prof. Ing. Branislav Hadzima, PhD.
Official beginning of the building construction
Official construction of the intelligent building of the Research centre UNIZA began on the 13th of June, 2014, when the foundation stone was laid by the rector of the University of Žilina prof. Tatiana Čorejová, minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic assoc. prof. Dušan Čaplovič, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic Ing. Dušan Petrík, president of the Žilina Self-governing Region Ing. Juraj Blanár, Mayor of Žilina Ing. Igor Choma, CEO of the EIFFAGE CONSTRUCTION Slovak Republic ltd. Andrej Senderák, director of the Scientific park UNIZA assoc. prof. Michal Zábovský and director of Research centre UNIZA assoc. prof. Branislav Hadzima.

Grand opening of the Research centre UNIZA
The Univesity of Žilina officially opened the Research centre UNIZA building on 7th of December 2015. In the image from the opening is former Minister of Education Ján Mikolaj (on the left), Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak republic Juraj Draxler, rector of the University of Žilina Tatiana Čorejová, director of Technological Park UNIZA Michal Zábovský and president of the Žilina self-governing region Ing. Juraj Blanár.

Zdroj a foto: TASR Erika Ďurčová
Award for Sciennce and Technology of the year 2020
Ing. Filip Pastorek, PhD., member of the Division of Materials Research in Transport, received an award “Persona of Science and Technologogy under 35 years of age” from the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic. The award was presented for the exceptional research of progressive surface layers created on metallic materials for industrial and biomedical applications.
Change of the director
After prof. Branislav Hadzima accepted a new position as a Coordinator of Science and Research at the University of Žilina, the role of the director was transferred to Ing. Filip Pastorek, PhD.
Award for Sciennce and Technology of the year 2021
Ing. Libor Trško, PhD., member of the Division of Materials Research in Transport, received an award “Persona of Science and Technology under 35 years of age” from the Minister of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic. The award was presented for the exceptional research of nanostructural surface layer used for improvement of functional properties of structural materials.
Award for technological transfer in Slovakia, 2023
Ing. Nikola Čajová Kantová, PhD., member of the Division of Intelligent Buildings and Renewable Energy Sources, received an award for “Technological transfer in Slovakia, 2023” in the category “Innovator” by the Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information. The award was presented for exceptional research in the field of energetic assessing of waste related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Restructuring of the Research centre UNIZA
After approval of the Academic senate UNIZA in 2023, a new organizational structure become effective from the 1st of January 2024. The main changes were related to change in the names of the research departments, establishment of the Scientific Incubator and cancellation of the Regional centre. The changes were initiated based on natural development of personal and laboratory infrastructure on the Research centre UNIZA to secure effective functioning in the following years.
New web page of the Research centre UNIZA
After preparations in 2023, a new official web page of the Research centre UNIZA, was implemented in the year 2024. The page was developed following the actual trends to help and support recognition of the Research centre, giving a more transparent overview of the realized research, project, key scientists, successes and laboratory infrastructure.