Laboratory of X-ray Diffraction

Head of laboratory: Ing. Libor Trško, PhD.

Room: VC 0.13b

The laboratory is aimed for evaluation of phase composition, structural parameters and residual stresses in structural materials by x-ray diffraction methods.

For residual stress analysis is used the laboratory equipment with Proto iXRD combo, ktoré využíva meraciu metódu sin2device, which uses the sin2ψ technique. A Cr x-ray tube for ferritic steels and aluminium alloys and Mn x-ray tube for stainless steels are available. A special module for automatic detector positioning is also available and it enables retained austenite evaluation in the heat treated steels.

For the phase analysis of powders and solid materials, the laboratory is equipped with the Thermo Scientific ARL EQUINOX 100diffractometer. The Cu x-ray tube is suitable for analysis of wide range of nonmetallic materials and non-ferrous metals. With use of extending modules, it is possible to perform “in situ” analyses at temperatures up to 500 °C.