Recovery and Resilience Plan for Slovakia

1.2024 – 6.2026 Research on inertial data analysis methods for patient strafing and personalization of assisted extracorporeal prehabilitation using a sensor network
Project 09-i05-03-v02-00027– MAPREHAB
Call: 09I05-03-V02 „Call to support research projects focused on digitalization of the economy in TRL levels 1-3"
This project aims to research and develop advanced methods to analyze inertial data from a multimodal sensor network for an out-of-body rehabilitation device tailored explicitly to individual rehabilitation needs regardless of the age, gender and overall physiological or pathological condition of the patient. These methods will also adapt system parameters and control according to the current therapeutic or rehabilitation progress.
This project focuses on the research and development of new methods as well as the evaluation and adaptation of existing conventional approaches, which will be enriched and augmented by machine learning techniques. These methods will be used to process multimodal sensor data to promote the social integration of people with temporal movement limitations.
The proposed project is closely linked to the target area in the project called: Key Digital Technologies. Specifically, the use of micro-sensor technology in embedded wearable and assistive electronics type devices for use in the analysis of data from a multimodal sensor network monitoring the progress of the rehabilitation process.
The commercial potential of the requested project is real: once the research on suitable methods for analysis has been completed and validated, it is possible to proceed with the preparation of a laboratory prototype.
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6.2024 – 6.2026 Directionally Solidified Ce-doped YAG(Y3Al5O12)/Al2O3 Eutectic Ceramics for sensors and phosphors prepared by Horizontal Directed Crystallization
Project 09-i05-03-v02-00065– CRYS YAG EUT
Call: 09I05-03-V02 „Call to support research projects focused on digitalization of the economy in TRL levels 1-3"
The main goal of this project is to systematically investigate and conduct research focused on controlling the crystallographic texture and morphology within the Ce-doped YAG/Al2O3 directionally solidified eutectic (DSE) ceramic, utilizing the Horizontal Directed Crystallization (HDC) method as the fabrication technique. Control over the crystallographic texture will be achieved through the deliberate implementation of seed, while the manipulation of morphology will be accomplished by ensuring input raw material and growth conditions. Deep investigation of crystalographic texture and morphology of prepared ceramic can led to find new structure and functional materials.
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1.2024 – 6.2026 Research on hybrid spectrometric methods for the identification of atoms and molecules at the ppb level using sensor fusion and machine learning technologies
Project 09-i05-03-v02-00028 – RespectATOM
Call: 09I05-03-V02 „Call to support research projects focused on digitalization of the economy in TRL levels 1-3"
The project focuses on the research and optimization of hybrid spectroscopic techniques that combine the strengths of optical and mass spectroscopy methods. The intention is to create a highly sensitive, economically efficient and reliable analytical tool capable of detecting molecules at the level of 10 ppb. Such a tool would allow rapid and accurate analysis of complex samples in areas such as medicine, industry and environmental monitoring.
The call stresses the need to support basic and industrial research projects aimed at digitising the economy, with particular emphasis on technology and artificial intelligence. The project directly corresponds to the following criteria:
· Digitization of the economy: By creating an analytical tool that is more affordable and technically efficient than current solutions (e.g. GC-IMS), we offer industry and research institutions the opportunity to digitize and automate their analysis processes. This can lead to increased productivity, reduced costs and faster market introduction of new products.
· Enabling/Supporting Technologies: Technologies: Our combination of technologies – cold plasma, optical and mass spectroscopy – represents a new approach to analytical techniques and has the potential to become standard in many applications.
· Artificial intelligence and robotics: We use machine learning techniques to process and analyze the data obtained. With this approach, we can significantly improve the accuracy of molecule detection and quantification, which is key in areas such as medicine or environmental monitoring.
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6.2024 – 5.2026 Research on a unique triple ecological surface treatment system for ultra-light magnesium alloys usable in the transport industry.
Project 09I03-03-V03-00036 – EcoMag
Call: 09I03-03-V03 „Large projects for excellent researchers"
The project aims to increase the application possibilities of advanced and recycled ultra-light magnesium alloys in the transport industry by significantly improving their durability and complex surface quality. To achieve this goal, the project deals with the development, optimisation and advanced testing of various unique ecological and cost-effective surface treatment systems based on advanced plasma and laser technologies in a unique combination with different perspective systems of surface sealing including variations of calcium phosphates, magnesium fluoride as well as superhydrophobic nano-coatings, water- and oil-based preservatives, impregnating agents with environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors, etc. under uniform test conditions with subsequent precise classification according to their suitability for a specific application. Research into a technological concept that combines the above-mentioned advanced techniques of ecological surface cleaning, improved PEO coating and effective final sealing technology for magnesium alloys would be absolutely unique and have a high potential for application, as it takes into account the increasingly demanding requirements for materials and technologies with minimal environmental impact while maintaining high efficiency and economic sustainability in the transport industry.
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6. 2024 – 5. 2026 Detection of solid fuel inorganic substances reducing the particulate matter capture efficiency by means of an electrostatic precipitator for small heat sources
Project 09I03-03-V04-00529
Call: 09I03-03-V04 „Fellowships for excellent researchers R2-R4“
One of the priorities of the European Union is the improvement of air quality. Air pollution is a significant environmental health risk. Industries that use large heat sources or the automotive industry manage to reduce the production of particulate matter (PM), but small heat sources produce cumulatively high values of these emissions, especially in the winter time. Therefore, it is still very important to develop new technologies for capturing particulate matter. Secondary separation of solid particles in the flue gas space behind the heat source can be a promising solution, because the primary way is able to capture mainly larger particles. The project is focused on electrostatic precipitation, while it investigates and seeks inorganic substances in solid fuels that can reduce the efficiency of separation. The approach to the solution of the given problem will be performed by a numerical model to ensure a uniform flow of flue gases, a physical model of an electrostatic precipitator implemented in the flue gas space of a small heat source, experimental measurements of the production of particulate matter and the inorganic composition of used solid fuels and captured solid particles. The possibilities of using different types of fuels and the knowledge of their inorganic composition can serve as a basis for the optimal setting of the combustion of solid fuels in small heat sources. Research leads directly to the gain of new knowledge, which can subsequently be used in the development of new electrostatic precipitators.
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6. 2024 – 5. 2026 Advanced surface treatment techniques for the improvement of application potential of biodegradable magnesium alloys
Project 09I03-03-V04-00315 – StBioDegMag
Call: 09I03-03-V04 „Fellowships for excellent researchers R2-R4“
The project focuses on the preparation and optimization of unconventional combined surface treatments of magnesium alloys, whose properties make them ideal candidates for the new generation of materials used in biomedical engineering for the production of implants. The most important property of magnesium alloys in this field is the ability of biodegradation, which eliminates the need for additional surgery to remove the implant. On the other hand, the corrosion resistance of magnesium is not sufficient for this type of applications. The main motivation of the project is to increase the corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys through special biodegradable surface treatments, which will allow to control the rate of degradation of magnesium implants in the human body environment. The main component of studied combined surface treatments is plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO). This technique will be applied to differently pre-treated magnesium alloy surfaces, followed by additive surface treatments aimed at sealing the undesired pores of PEO coatings and subsequently improving the barrier corrosion protection. Based on the required applications in the human body environment, the specific surface treatment processes for individual magnesium alloys will be proposed as a result of extensive optimisation of the processing parameters of the investigated technologies and subsequent testing.
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6. 2024 – 5. 2026 Innovative process of combining the use of daylight in conjunction with adaptive control of the indoor environment
Project 09I03-03-V04-00312– InPrAdCoDl
Call: 09I03-03-V04 „Fellowships for excellent researchers R2-R4“
The project focuses on the development and application of a model for adaptive lighting control of intelligent buildings to increase energy efficiency. The goal of the project is achieved by using a unique combination of the created measurement network, which is used to obtain the data needed for the predictive models as well as to verify their accuracy, and by using two independent predictive models. In combination with daylighting, a model for adaptive lighting control of an intelligent building is created. The main motivation of the project solution is to improve sustainability and reduce the carbon footprint of buildings using natural resources – daylight. The main part of the project is the measurement of operational variables and their processing, as well as the creation of independent predictive models. With the help of the verified results of the prediction models, the optimization of the interior using the model of adaptive control of the interior environment depending on the required parameters is achieved. An optimized interior space with the help of adaptive control will reduce the energy consumption required for the building operation, improve the visual comfort and the working well-being of people and, last but not least, have a direct impact on the environment in the form of a reduction of the building's environmental impact and carbon footprint.
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6. 2024 – 5. 2026 Statistical Approach to Monitor Quantisation in Neural Network Training
Project 09I03-03-V04-00562– SAMQ-NN
Call: 09I03-03-V04 „Fellowships for excellent researchers R2-R4“
Artificial intelligence is increasingly becoming an integral part of various industries as it offers innovative approaches to existing problems. Its potential is fully manifested in the field of deep learning, where most of the successes are currently taking place. In the case of deep learning, considerable robustness of models is required to achieve the desired results. This robustness greatly complicates the deployment of neural network models in some segments of Industry 4.0. Especially in IoT and power-constrained devices. The present project addresses this issue by research in the problem area of neural network compression. The proposed project addresses the neural network quantization problem and tries to innovate the quantization process on neural network models. The project proposes a concept of modifying the training of neural networks for quantization processes based on statistical methods to compare the weight distributions of a neural network model before quantization and after quantization directly during the training of the new quantized model. Thus, it will be possible to observe the similarity index of the weight distributions of the pre-quantization model already during training the new quantized model. The training process modified in this way allows the user to monitor the training process and in case of an intense degradation of the accuracy of the quantized model.
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12. 2022 – 11. 2025 Fellowships for excellent researchers threatened by the war in Ukraine
Project 09I03-03-V01-00097
The main aim of the project is to support researcher Vira Tinkova, PhD (born Zvereva) at the University of Žilina, Research Centre UNIZA in relocating her research activities to Slovakia. This was done in such a way that the successful placement of the researcher with the beneficiary would benefit both parties and support the development of the research potential of both the individual and the institution. The researcher is involved in research on the production of advanced functional materials based on yttrium aluminium garnet crystal. Her role is to work on sample preparation and evaluation.
EU Structural Funds
Projects executed at the Research Centre of the University of Žilina are also supported by funding from the European Regional Development Fund

5.2022 – 11.2023 Supporting R&D capacities in the field of generating advanced software tools designed to increase the resilience of economic operators to excessive volatility in the energy commodities market
Project ITMS 313011BUK9 – ENTRIS
The strategic objective of the project is to reflect the demand from industrial entities and to carry out R&D tasks related to the creation of a basic software framework at the TRL4 readiness level (technology tested in laboratory conditions) for the identification and quantification of market risk in the high volatility environment of energy markets, including the construction of a custom computational module designed to obtain the necessary data to calculate the negative impacts, as well as the actual quantification of these impacts on the business entity. The output will also have functionalities for predictive analysis of changes in the market situation to include relevant areas of relevant market risks with different adjustable parameters and to allow simulation of different potential changes in market situations. The resulting software framework will work on the principle of evaluating multiple risks induced by changes in the characteristics of traded commodities and, in particular, the high volatility of energy commodity prices. The project has a methodological division into 2 activities - 1 for the applicant and 1 for the partner, with a planned completion date of 09/2023, due to the available time and formalities. The place of implementation is the city of Žilina.
1.2021 – 6.2023 Independent research and development of technological assemblies based on wearable electronics products as tools for improving hygiene standards in a society exposed to the COVID-19 disease-causing virus
Project ITMS 313011ASK8 – COVID
The main objective of the project is to bring new knowledge in the field of optimization of the possibilities of integration of selected sensor and information elements and subsystems into the environment of wearable electronics usable in the fight against the spread of the SARS-COV-2 virus causing the COVID-19 disease. The main activity of the project (independent R&D carried out by the applicant) is oriented towards the knowledge area 'machinery, structures and equipment/technology', within which a direct link to the main SK NACE Q86 Healthcare is identified (functional link C32 - Other manufacturing and subsequently to subgroup 32.50 Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies).
1.2021 – 12.2022 Assessment of the impact of environmental loads on the condition of bridge structures of the cross-border transport network
The aim of the project is to support in an innovative way the activities of SMEs operating in the subject area through applied research oriented to practical analysis of degradation processes in bridges, their prediction, severity and above all implementation through an informative methodology in the creative processes of these SMEs with high added value. Consequently, a mechanism for sharing and exchanging information and outputs of the project will be established, both between the project partners and other SMEs, which will promote and sustain their mutual cooperation. An integral part of the project will be the creation of a currently non-existing joint specialized cross-border expert group, consisting of representatives of research organisations and SMEs working in the field of bridge construction. This group will be complemented by representatives of the managers of these major transport infrastructure objects.
6.2020 – 6.2023 Creating a digital biobank to support a systemic public research infrastructure
Expanding and completing research and innovation infrastructure and capacity to develop excellence in research and innovation through the development of a data biobanking system and its integration into an international network of research infrastructures. The project is entirely focused on building a modern, efficient and systematic way of data biobanking in Slovakia, which represents one of the basic supporting pillars of excellent biomedical research.
6.2020 – 12.2023 Systematic public research infrastructure - biobank for cancer and rare diseases
Project ITMS 313011AFG5 – BIOFORD
Expanding and completing research and innovation infrastructure and capacity to develop excellence in research and innovation through the establishment of a biobanking system for cancer and rare diseases and its integration into an international network of research infrastructures. As this is a project of strategic importance in the field of biomedicine, academic departments, research centres and parks and medical institutions with biomedicine in their programmes have been integrated into the project and it is assumed that the highest quality scientific and research capacities are concentrated in these institutions with sufficient infrastructural support. In all its specific objectives, the project supports the integration, optimisation and further development of research infrastructure, including international scientific and technical cooperation, which is a key element in the implementation of the individual activities of the project.
5.2020 – 4.2023 Small business dispatching for intelligent consumption management in local distribution systems
Project ITMS 313012Q740 – MODIMS
Cieľom projektu realizovať výskum zameraný na získanie nových poznatkov pre následný vývoj nástroja, ktorý lokálnym distribučným systémom (LDS) umožní efektívne pokrývať energetické potreby a to prostredníctvom predikovania vlastnej spotreby energií a následným efektívnym nákupom potrebných energií na trhoch resp. prípravou podkladov pre plánovanie výroby vlastných zdrojov. Malý obchodný dispečing bude tvorený kľúčovou softvérovou architektúrou D2000 a aplikačným softvérovým vybavením, ktoré bude poskytovať nasledovné funkcionality pre efektívny manažment energií v rámci LDS.
4.2020 – 8.2022 Development of a telemetric system for remote measurement of energy consumption in railway transport as part of the innovative expansion of IPESOFT spol. s r.o.
Project ITMS 313012Q673 – LOCOBOX
The aim of the project is to develop a universal telemetry system with a flexible design that would allow installation on rail vehicles of different manufacturers, different type series and different levels of modernisation. In addition, the flexibility of the system should allow for installation on both electric and diesel multiple units, which is a prerequisite for the creation of a functional centralised system for the energy management of rail transport.
4.2020 – 9.2021 Support for educational activities for the training of young professionals in the field of bridge construction in the cross-border region
Bridges represent the most important element of civil engineering and at the same time reflect the technical maturity and economic level of a society. Their design, construction and management require not only a lot of financial resources but also highly qualified civil engineers - bridge builders. The level of their training and education will determine the development and quality of transport infrastructure in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic for many years to come. The present project plan therefore aims to create an educational platform between the two most important universities in the border region, which will make the education of students in the field of bridge engineering attractive and supportive in an innovative way, especially through modern e-learning, interesting excursions and exchange lectures, which also assume the involvement experts from praxis.
10.2019 – 6.2023 Research and development of non-contact methods for the acquisition of geospatial data for forest monitoring for more efficient forest management and increased forest protection
Project ITMS 313011V465 – FOMON
The strategic goal of the project is to create a long-term excellent research, development and innovation ecosystem in the field of geospatial information and communication technologies on the basis of an active partnership between the state and public R&D sector and the industrial sector. The ambition of the project is to work on the improvement of highly specialised engineering processes, not excluding the improvement of the means entering into the processes associated with their evaluation and final processing, so as to ensure the highest possible efficiency for the needs of end users.
9.2019 – 6.2023 Integrative strategy in the development of personalized medicine for selected malignancies and its impact on quality of life
Project ITMS 313011V446 – LISPER
Cieľom je skúmanie a návrh optimálneho a efektívneho využitia expertných počítačových systémov v oblasti medicíny aplikovaním kognitívnych metód a paradigiem umelej inteligencie pri návrhu algoritmov hĺbkovej analýzy a spracovania veľkého množstva laboratórnych a klinických dát (vrátane údajov získaných z analýz tekutej biopsie) za účelom skvalitňovania diagnostiky nádorových ochorení (WP1). Ďalším cieľom je aplikácia počítačovej simulácie toku biologického materiálu cez sortrovacie zariadenia (WP2).
9.2019 – 6.2023 Innovative solutions for propulsion, energy and safety components of vehicles
Projekt ITMS 313011V334 – IcOTS
The proposed project addresses the highly topical societal issue of developing and deploying unique technologies for transport vehicles in terms of propulsion, energy storage and distribution as a prerequisite for decarbonising transport and transport systems. In principle, it is about the modernisation of alternative propulsion systems in terms of the actual solution of hybridisation and electrification of propulsion as well as energy storage for these systems. In the context of this global objective, partial tasks will be tackled, including R&D of new storage modules, new ways of standardised charging, the introduction of new procedures for thermal and safety management, and ultimately the identification of practical use in a wide range of applications.
8.2019 – 7.2021 Strengthening the R&D capacity of the Slovak-Czech cross-border region in the field of plasma technologies for medical applications
The project will address the research and development of a plasma pen for medical use, which will be capable of active tissue regeneration for a wide range of patients without negative side effects with a high level of societal benefit in the cross-border SK CZ territory. Research in the field of application of cold plasma technologies for medical use is an innovative and promising area with a high level of added value, which means potential for the future competitiveness of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic. In addition to R&D itself, the project will also address technology transfer, which will result in the creation of a cross-border research cluster of plasma technologies for further research, technology transfer and, in particular, to ensure interaction between research institutes and SMEs.
1.2016 – 12.2019 Research and development activities of the University of Žilina for the Industry of the 21st century in the field of materials and nanotechnologies
Project ITMS 313011T426
The main objective of the project is to stabilize high quality research teams of the University of Žilina in the knowledge area "Progressive materials and nanotechnologies" and to enable the implementation of independent research and development activities in the field of materials in the horizon until 31.12.2019 with the relevant project outputs. The project plan will ensure the integration and implementation of innovative knowledge in the field of research on advanced materials and technologies for their production, surface and volume treatment, testing and complex analyses with an orientation towards the competitiveness of the industry, whose product innovation will enable progressive expansion. The research and development of the properties of different types of structural materials, including the performance of related and possible surface or volume treatments, testing and analyses, inter-comparison and selection, finds application across the entire industrial and development spectrum, including the fields of materials engineering, means of transport and infrastructure, the design and construction of modern buildings, electrical engineering, and the timber industry.
12.2015 – 12.2017 Research centre of the University of Žilina - 2nd phase
Project ITMS 313011D011
The project labelled "Research Centre of the University of Žilina - 2nd Phase" represents a smooth substantive continuation of the completed Phase I of the solution, the idea of which is conceived in the form of a clear objective to be named as "Building a Research Centre and improving the infrastructure of the University of Žilina in order to increase the competitiveness of Slovakia by transferring the results of research and innovation into practice". In a broader sense, the implementation of the project aims to improve the quality of research and development activities with the support of the renewal of the infrastructure of the University of Žilina, which are aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the economy of the Žilina region and the Slovak Republic, reducing regional disparities, the emergence of innovative start-up and spin-off companies, improving the conditions of the educational process, increasing the level of involvement in the international research area as well as the creation of new jobs in research with an emphasis on creating optimal conditions for young researchers and postdoctoral fellows.
5.2013 – 6.2015 Research centre of the University of Žilina
Projekt ITMS 26220220183
The establishment of the Research Centre of the University of Žilina in Žilina is directly related to the allocation of a research grant under the call of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic for the construction of university science parks and research centres. Building of the Research Centre and improvement of the infrastructure of the University of Žilina with the aim to increase the competitiveness of Slovakia by transferring the results of research and innovations into practice.
Horizon Projects
5.2018 – 10.2022 CHAlleNging Gender (In)Equality in science and research (Project of gender equality in science)
Project H2020 Change
Výskumné centrum Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline sa snaží prispieť k vytváraniu dobrých pracovných podmienok na univerzite a k podpore žien prostredníctvom projektu CHANGE. CHANGE – Zavádzanie rodovej rovnosti vo vede a výskume ( je projekt financovaný rámcovým programom EÚ pre výskum a inovácie H2020 a bude implementovaný štyri roky (2018-2022). Implementácia prebieha prostredníctvom konzorcia pozostávajúceho zo siedmich inštitúcií z Rakúska, Nemecka, Izraela, Portugalska, Slovenska a Slovinska. Podpora žien má byť realizovaná vďaka plánu rodovej rovnosti, ktorý bude univerzite „ušitý na mieru“ na základe kvantitatívneho a kvalitatívneho prieskumu. Hladký priebeh implementácie projektu v jednotlivých organizáciách majú zaručiť tzv. transfer agenti (osoby na vedúcich pozíciách v daných inštitúciách), ktorí budú podporovať projektové tímy. Implementujúce organizácie budú po odbornej stránke taktiež podporované projektovým koordinátorom- Interdisciplinárnym výskumným centrom z Grazu a nemeckou Univerzitou v Aachene, ktorá už podobný plán implementovala. Dôležitým rozmerom projektu je aj networking a zdieľanie skúseností. Z tohto dôvodu sa aj na Slovensku buduje sieť stakeholderov, s ktorými by sme v rámci národných workshopov radi otvorili problematiku rodovej rovnosti v slovenskom akademickom prostredí.
Other International Projects
1.2023 – 12.2027 Testing and Experimentation Facility for Health
TEF-Health is developing a benchmark Test and Experiment Facility (TEF) with three objectives: (1) conducting tests and experiments of AI solutions in real or realistic environments; (2) conducting assessment activities to facilitate market access of trusted smart technologies with respect to regulatory requirements (certification, standardization, code of conduct) and ensuring easy access to these resources (linking to digital innovation hubs); and (3) optimizing investments by capitalizing on past investments. TEF-Health has a high maturity at the beginning of the project. It provides existing expertise and infrastructure to design and implement real-world AI testing in a TRL 6-8 environment. The main advantage lies in the general structure of each node, which is designed to address a broad evaluation and testing environment, accelerating the development and market access of AI solutions in healthcare. Each node combines several forms of testing: real-world testing facilities (hospital platforms, physical and data and computing infrastructures, live labs) and lab facilities. Supporting activities of defining assessment protocols, developing assessment tools, and conformity assessment complement th activities. TEF-Health will create impact by increasing efficiency, resilience, sustainability of health systems, reducing inequities; and ensuring compliance with legal, ethical, quality and interoperability standards. The long-term business plan will integrate with the EBRAINS RI plan to ESFRI's financial sustainability plan. The project creates a network of leading EU hospitals and medical universities, e.g. Charité Hospital and Karolinska Institute, national metrology institutes for defining standards and certification bodies, as well as innovation clusters, e.g. the European Institute of Technology EITHealth with links to the European Health Data Space. TEF-Health addresses ethical and societal aspects with the support of patient organisations.
8.2017 – 7.2020 Advanced Manufacturing in Central Europe – Central European Innovation Hub on sustainable and Advanced Manufacturing
Project Interreg Central Europe CE583 – AMiCE
In August 2017, the Research Centre of the University of Žilina joined the AMICE project. The project consortium consists of 11 partners from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Italy and Poland. The AMICE project focuses on advanced technologies and the circular economy. The project consortium will create an e-platform containing information relevant for all target groups, such as technological opportunities, challenges related to research results, but also information on support and funding schemes, contacts to experts, a list of relevant regional and transnational events with individual target groups. In addition to the information available on the e-platform, MaSPs will also gain access to research infrastructure and thus be able to test their own product or process innovation. They will also gain experience in hands-on training to be able to use 3D printing themselves later on.
6.2017 – 11.2020 Uniform approach to the air pollution management system for functional urban areas in tritia region
Interreg Central Europe CE1101 – Air Tritia
The Research Centre together with the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Žilina is implementing a project focused on air quality in the border region TRITIA (SR: Žilina Self-Governing Region, CR: Moravian-Silesian Region and PL: Silesian Voivodeship and Opole Voivodeship). 15 project partners are cooperating in the project and the project leader is the Technical University of Ostrava. The cities directly involved in the project are Žilina, Ostrava, Opava, Opole and Rybnik. Air quality in over-polluted areas is still managed at local level. Air pollution is specific in its transboundary extent and cannot be effectively managed only at national or regional level. The AIR TRITIA project aims to assist public administrations in air quality management by creating a unified spatial information database, introducing new tools for pollution management and prediction, and developing air quality strategies for the different urban functional areas and joint strategies for the TRITIA region. The common approach to air quality management at the level of urban functional areas will be based on detailed mathematical modelling and validation of different types of measurements using the computational power of a supercomputer. The project will also define the transfer of information within the region, define measures to reduce emissions and develop legislative proposals for a more effective implementation of an integrated strategy for air quality management at territorial level.
National Projects
1.2024 – 12.2027 Research on inertial data analysis methods for applications in rehabilitation adjuvants
VEGA 1/0147/25
Continuous diagnosis is important to control and optimize rehabilitation for gnostically relevant symptoms. Assuming that receptive functionality is given, it is necessary to observe perceptual function with emphasis on spatial dynamic and reflective perception. The focus of rehabilitation is methodologically somatognosia and stereognosia, their diagnostically reliable classification and, based on it, continuously adapted rehabilitation. The state of available technology is inadequate, especially in terms of the reliability of the information and its real-time evaluation. The project aims at basic research in the measurement and data processing chain: sensors on and off the patient's body, data preprocessing in the sensor network, identification and selection of diagnostically relevant data and their lossless compression for wireless transmission to a central computer. Then processing and classification of the data in the computer by proposed methods for motion and physiological data from the connected sensors in real time, necessary for feedback to the patient.
1.2022 – 12.2025 Energy recovery of waste generated in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic through the use of pellets as an alternative fuel
VEGA 1/0150/22
Municipal solid waste management is becoming more complicated with the exponential growth of the global population. Although recycling technologies are becoming more advanced, a significant proportion of this waste ends up in landfills. Currently, the amount of municipal solid waste is increasing to a greater extent due to the daily use of personal protective equipment in the context of the global pandemic caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19). In order to minimise the burden on the environment, solutions are being sought for the reuse of protective equipment, its environmentally friendly production or the recovery of waste already produced. One of the options for energy recovery of the waste in question may be pelletization. The present project will focus on the energy-efficient disposal of protective masks as energy waste by processing them through mechanical treatment into wood pellets as an environmentally friendly additive, researching their energy and mechanical properties.
1.2021 – 12.2024 Research on PEO-based highly resistant duplex coatings for enhanced corrosion protection and application possibilities of ultra-light Mg alloys in industrial applications
VEGA 1/0117/21
The project is focused on the creation, optimization and testing of duplex surface treatments of industrially used magnesium alloys, currently the lightest structural material with a huge application potential in the field of weight reduction of metal components and the associated reduction of emissions released into the atmosphere. The main motivation for this is to eliminate the greatest weakness of magnesium alloys, namely their low corrosion resistance in various aggressive environments, which will dramatically increase their application possibilities, especially in the automotive and aerospace industries. The duplex surface treatments tested will consist of a primary plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) and a secondary surface treatment providing pore sealing of the PEO layer. The purpose is to create and specify different types of high-end duplex surface treatments attractive to industry, whether the manufacturer's primary requirements are for maximum corrosion resistance, technological sophistication, aesthetics or economics.
1.2021 – 12.2024 Research and optimization of combined surface treatments for progressive magnesium alloys
VEGA 1/0153/21
The purpose of the project is to research corrosion and electrochemical characteristics focused on modern magnesium alloys (Mg-Al, Mg-Ca, Mg-RE,...) and surface treatments that can improve their surface characteristics and industrial application. The main objective is to increase the corrosion resistance of specific Mg alloys intended for use in specific operating environments. Progressive technologies such as electrodeposition of calcium phosphates, anodising or mechanical surface treatment by blasting technology will be used as surface treatments. The basic properties of magnesium alloys and surface layers will be studied by metallographic, light microscopy, REM and EDX methods. The corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys in the state before and after formation of adequate surface layers will be evaluated by exposure tests in solutions simulating the application environment and electrochemical tests, focusing on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization (PD) tests.
1.2018 – 12.2020 Fatigue life of progressive high-strength and ultra-lightweight (Al-Li) aluminium alloys with nanostructure layers in the ultra-high load cycle region
VEGA 1/0029/18
The project is aimed at obtaining original knowledge on fatigue life in the area of ultra-high cycle loading of progressive high-strength and ultra-light (Al-Li) aluminium alloys with nanostructured surface layers created by intensive plastic deformation methods. The results will enable the application of these special surface treatments in real engineering practice.
7.2017 – 12.2020 Investigation of a methodology to assess the susceptibility to hot and cold cracking of modern metallic materials welded with high energy concentration sources
APVV 16-0300
The project addresses the issue of susceptibility of aluminium and magnesium alloys and steels for hardening to crack formation in welds made by beam welding methods. The causes of cracks are the loss of deformability or the decrease in strength of the system during solidification. Both causes result in an increase in internal stresses and hence an increase in susceptibility to their formation. In the case of hot cracks, the internal stresses are induced by temperature fields during solidification of the welded joint. For cold cracks, the presence of hard and brittle structural components in the microstructure of the welded joint is an important factor. In the case of the use of concentrated energy sources in welding, the formation of stress fields is governed by different principles than in arc welding methods. In particular, the area of testing of structural materials susceptible to crack formation that are welded with concentrated energy sources is not consistently addressed. There is a lack of modifications to testing procedures that are suitable for both modern welding technologies and new, progressive materials. The main objective of this project is to design and develop procedures, testing methodologies and specimen shapes suitable for testing modern electron beam and laser welded materials. The design of the procedures will be based, in a first step, on the formation of weld joint structures and the evolution of temperature fields during solidification, while monitoring changes in mechanical properties. In the second step, this knowledge will be used to design the exact shape of the test specimen, using finite element methods to predict post-weld deformation, residual stresses, total plastic deformation, grain size, etc. An important objective of the project will be the design of welding parameters and procedures that will eliminate the formation of hot and cold cracks in the experimental materials.
7.2017 – 12.2020 Development of a robotic device for hardening and nanocrystallization of surface layers of welded joints by ultrasonic contact hardening
APVV 16-0276
Methods of hardening and nanocrystallization of the surface of materials on the principle of intensive plastic deformation are currently finding great application in industry for increasing the fatigue life of structural materials. Although welding technology is one of the most common industrial technologies for joining components and the weld itself represents a disruption of material continuity and is the site of preferential initiation of fatigue cracks, there is currently no method developed that is directly aimed at modifying the surfaces of welded joints in order to increase their fatigue life. The aim of the project is to develop a dedicated automated robotic device for the strengthening and nanocrystallisation of welded joint surfaces of structural materials using ultrasound. With the help of the above equipment, it will be possible to eliminate the tensile residual stresses generated during weld metal solidification and, together with the accumulation of compressive residual stresses and nanocrystallisation of the surface layer, to prolong the time required to initiate a fatigue crack and to retard its growth in its early stages.
1.2017 – 12.2020 Research on optimization of surface treatments of Mg alloys for progressive applications
VEGA 1/0045/17
The purpose of the project is to research corrosion and electrochemical characteristics focused on modern magnesium alloys (Mg-Al, Mg-Ca, Mg-RE,...) and surface treatments that can improve their surface characteristics and industrial application. The main objective is to increase the corrosion resistance of specific Mg alloys intended for use in specific operating environments. Progressive technologies such as electrodeposition of calcium phosphates, anodising or mechanical surface treatment by blasting technology will be used as surface treatments. The basic properties of magnesium alloys and surface layers will be studied by metallographic, light microscopy, REM and EDX methods. The corrosion resistance of magnesium alloys in the state before and after formation of adequate surface layers will be evaluated by exposure tests in solutions simulating the application environment and electrochemical tests, focusing on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization (PD) tests.
7.2016 – 12.2019 Improving the operational safety of strategic steel structures
APVV 15-0120
The project addresses the issue of long-term safe operation of steel structures, which are loaded in operation by variable loads with simultaneous exposure to the aggressiveness of the external environment in deteriorating climatic conditions. The high risk of loss of stability of steel structures is caused not only by surface corrosion of imperfectly protected parts, but also by the occurrence of crevice expansion corrosion at the interface of two or more surfaces at locations invisible to the naked eye. The aim of the project solution is to provide a guarantee that no limit state will occur during the entire technical lifetime and that operation will be permanently safe. The solution consists in the design and validation of diagnostic procedures, applied at appropriate inspection intervals, resulting from a failure risk analysis. Using the analytical methods of dynamic fracture mechanics, maintenance and repair procedures will be planned to ensure the reliability of the operation until the next inspection. This controlled ageing procedure is individual to each type of steel structure, especially external structures such as bridges, cranes, masts, chimneys, steel skeletons, pressure vessels, pipelines, storage tanks, chimneys, etc. These are subject to variable loads, temperature changes, corrosion and material ageing. At the same time, new investments will be delayed to extend the service life of the structures, resulting in real and long-term financial savings for operators.
7.2015 – 6.2018 Study of the utility properties of formed molybdenum sheets applicable for horizontal crystallization of sapphire single crystals
APVV 14-0284
The essence of the scientific project is a comprehensive design of the control system concept and implementation part for the development of a deformation system for the production of crystallization vessels made of molybdenum sheet, for the production of sapphire single crystals. This sophisticated forming system, implemented at temperatures up to 1000°C in a vacuum chamber, will be a solution to the problem of forming high-strength, room-temperature, difficult-to-form thin molybdenum sheets with purity of 99.99 wt%, produced by powder metallurgy technology at high temperatures, when their oxidation will be eliminated by high vacuum. The high temperature vacuum deformation system will be presented and developed as an integral heating system with a variable deformed plate retainer (BHF), which will be supported by a hydraulic system, a vacuum system, a cooling water system and a computer control system. Key parameters such as temperature, holding force, deformation rate of the draw bar will be controlled in real time by PID controllers using a closed loop system.
2016 – 2018 Investigating combined intensive shear deformation techniques promising for industrial applications
MVTS SK-RU 0393-2016
This project is aimed at solving scientific and applied problems of increasing physical and mechanical properties by developing the basis for the production of long copper alloy blanks for electrical purposes, using SPD techniques: shear deformation with reduction and/or ultrasonic activation. Another objective is also to address the subsequent nanostructuring of the surface of copper alloys by intensive surface blasting using developmental ultrasonic methods. Existing techniques used for the preparation of UFG structures are based on shear deformation, which is a highly efficient method for refining the initial coarse-grained structure and strengthening metallic materials. Such techniques include ECAP, ECAP-C and HPT. However, to achieve the target properties using these techniques, each billet needs to undergo several processing cycles - three or more - which causes increased time and labor intensity. Advanced techniques that are currently under development will make it possible to address this processing problem by combining reduction and shear operations. Using the combined techniques will increase the total effective deformation per pass, thereby ensuring intensive UFG structure formation in long blanks, which are the most in demand in the industry. The use or improvement of the surface properties of the processed blanks for various technical applications can be improved by intensive surface deformation by developmental ultrasonic techniques.